I'm back with a vengeance!
I've been trying to write this post for a while, and I've found that there's really nothing I can say that can do justice to the pictures I'm about to show you. Please prepare yourselves my dear friends, for you are about to witness the awesome power that is. . .
Kneesocks Girl, or KSG as I affectionately call her, is one of the Southern Charms webgirls, and what a southern charm she is:

Miss Socks lists her age as 38 (or 39 or 40, depending on which page you look at), her height (spelled HEIGTH, which is correct if you are in the south) as 5'1", her dress size as a 16, her panty size as a 7, her sexual orientation as "100% straight" and her muff as "Shaved". Oh, and her favorite drink is Mountain Dew. (Aren't you glad I threw that in so you could knock the image of her shaved muff out of your head?)
KSG never says what southern state she's from, and the majority of guesses have been Georgia. But for some reason, I'm thinking Kentucky. Wherever it is, there is certainly a shortage of eyebrow wax there:
KSG likes to accessorize her already lovely outfits by wearing knee-high socks when she's out on the town with her hubby, who remarks that people always stare at her when they go out. He adds, "It's because she looks so hot." Hubby should know what's hot - I mean, look at what he gets to look at in the mirror every day. Yum!
Of her hubby, KSG had this to say to PH boarder Jesus H. Christ: "I had seven boyfriends, one was real bad and shot me in the leg then I got this one since 1993 and we been together since then and married since 1998." Probably had to fight off quite a few skank-ho's to keep that man!
Now you probably obliterated this from your memory, but I did tell you that KSG is part of an amateur porn site. Now, I haven't coughed up the $24.95 for a membership yet (maybe a gift membership for a certain Charming Southern guy I know is in order?) but rest assured, I have taken full advantage of KSG's free pics area. And because I love you all, I'm going to share them with you!
Now you all know about my little goth-girl fetish. . . When I saw KSG in this outfit. . . well, you can imagine what happened:
As if that wasn't enough, check out this jungle number. RAWR!
But wait!!! I'm saving the best for last! Again, because I love you, here is your all-out-bikini-blowout!!!
If you can pry your eyes off KSG's hot bod, check out her walls and desk - unicorns, stuffed animals, Mountain Dew - this shit is priceless!!
Rest assured, this is not the last time this blog will visit dear KNEESOCKS!!
When that last picture scrolled up, I SWEAR I could smell her! OH GOD!!!!! AIIIIIEEEEEEE! MY EYES! MY EYES! She looks kinda hot, doesn't she!
P.S. I am quickly going to go clean out Tom's litter box so I can forget that dreadful smell!
JHC, when you come out of hiding, you really do.
This is one "real" woman who knows just how hot she is. See those legs, gasp, what a great blog and find, KNESOCKS GIRL is divine
YIKES! Went to Southern Charms and knee socks is no longer there. Do you have any more pics to share? Would love to see more of this curious girl from the south!
I was a fan of kneesocks for 7 years. She said I was"more than a friend" to her. I sent her things to pose in, money for teeth and house payment, then, without a warning, she dumped me and left me out in the cold. I am hearbroken but still adore her.
Can you post more pix of this southern babe kneesocks girl? Where can we get more galleries of her?
I agree, like to see more of this woman. Perfect legs! Where are you Sybil, please come back with more.
There has to be some access to more pix of this super babe kneesocks girl, ex-southern charm model. Why did she leave southern charms? Be great to see someone post more pix of this super southern babe!
The jungle outfit, most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on, a total very HOT babe. If anyone finds more pics of her please post here, and thank YOU!!
I agree the jungle outfit was an extreme hot outfit for kneesocks girl, but her bikini pix drove me crazy. I miss this hot babe of Kentucky. Why does she not set up her own webpage with galleries, loads of guys would join! Come on Annette get back in the action and start posing and posting pix.
I agree, the blue bikini, whew, what a view, she has the most beautiful buns. I would be a devoted fan if she posed a website, pay anything to see more of her. Wish there was someway of contacting wither Sybil or Annette to let her know how we feel about her.
Hey guys, I found this pic, talk about beautiful!
Whoops, it won't copy here. Leave your e-mail and I will forward to you.
This woman has one lucky husband! Can you imagine being around her all day (and all night, whew!). I like the rest of you guys would luv to see her start up a new site, it would be a scamble amoung us here to see who would be first to join!!!!
If Kneesocks Annette starts up a webpage I will be the first to join up! I would give anything to see her pose in a bikini again, or those sexy kneesocks with blue jean mini skirts. If anybody has pix of her, please post them for the rest of her fans to enjoy. What a super babe, hot hot Annete, I miss her so!
How many of us are there that adore this annnette kneesocks girl, wow. I have a few pics from her old site and like the other guy, tried to post them here but could not for some reason. Leave e-mail address and I can send them direct.
This woman is much more than sexy and sensual. I can tell you she is a wonderful person, an angel. I was a devoted fan of her SC site for years and she answered everyone of my e-mails. I, in return, sent her things, a nice ring, outfits to pose in, money for house payments, etc. I was in love with her even though I knew she was happily married and I didn't have a chance. One day she stopped writing to me and I got a nasty note from her husband telling me to stop e-mailing her. I was heart broken but did stop. I still love her and always will. She is an angel in every way.
Has anyone ever seen Kneesocks Girl Annette pose in a leopard print bikini? WOW Have no idea why she stopped posing for SC, but she also used to have a yahoo site with very sexy pictures. She looked good in a dress, square dance outfit, or a bikini, she was just one sexy women. Wish we could see more of her, and with less on!
KIneesocks girl did pose nude on her members site on Southern Charms and I can say she looked better than you can imagine. She has perfect breasts and down below, as I could say was wow, never seen anything so perfect. There seems to be a lot of guys who found this page looking for Annette, I know I am one. Good to see I am not alone here. We've got to find a way to get her back with aq site. Any idea's guys?
Kneesocks Girl is a lovely as they come no matter what she poses in. Short skirts are my favorites since she has the best legs I have ever seen. Saw pics of her in blue jean skirt, short red skirt, the animal skirt and the plad skirt on this site. Also had a pic of her in a red mesh bodysuit with open crotch, whew, took my breath away. Wish I would have saved those pics, now just have this site to see the hot hot hot Annette.
Kneesocks Girl is a toothless, fat, illiterate woman. Who are you guys anyway, must be into fetish.
If enjoying a sexy natural country gal is a fetish, than I guess we are all guilty. Tumblr has some nice pix of Annette.
Annette is lovely. Just look at the art by the greatest artists, they all show women with ample proportions. Yes, she had all her teeth pulled but got a nice set of dentures which gave her a lovely smile. She's also on Hi5 with a few pics.
Thank you for info on additonal sites for kneesocks Annette guys, appreciate it. I do't know who the one jerk here is, but I agree, Annette is a beautiful All American Woman who is sexy, sensual, and very becomming. Any guy would be lucky just to know her.
Would anyone here care to join me in creating a fan club for Annette, Kneesocks Girl? I think there are enough here to get a good one going. We could share the pics we have and put them on the fan page. That might get her attention. My research shows her name as Maria Annette McKinney Wyatt. Also found she got married twice on Virtual Vow to a Thomas McKinney and later to Robin Wyatt.
Just a thought.
I would be willing to contribute. Once you get the site set up let us know here. I don't care about details about Kneesocks, just enjoy seeing her pictures. Thanks
I've got a nice pic of kineesocks on a park bench wearing a short plaid skirt and white blouse. She las her legs up on the bench and do they and her ever look good! There's a very tiny glimpse of her white panties, she is really hot!
Has anyone seen kneesocks in her very tiny stars and strips bikini, God, she is awsome.
I would most definitely join a fan club of super babe Annette Wyatt aka: Kneesocks Girl! Be great to see more pix of her, just tell me when and where and how to join up. Sounds like everybody has some blazing sexy pix of this southern beauty, I would love to lay my eyes on them ASAP. Please do it!! I used to see pix of her in a purple bikini, pink bikini and Texas or Rebel Flag bikini. If anyone can contact her, she has loads of them. Beg her to start a new webpage, or yahoo group! Everybody be joining up and she would realize how many fans she actually has.
Count me in for the fan club. Just wondering if anyone has a valid e-mail for kneesocks annette. Before I found this blog I tried to contact her via her old e-mail, ky_tornado_girl@yahoo.com and did not get a response back. Anyone have a newer address for her.
I believe it is younglegs1@yahoo.com
tell her how many fans are waiting for her pictures and how much we all enjoyed them. She was one special babe for all of us. if that email doesn't work try,
Thanks, I sent her a note today. Wouldn't hurt if you sent her one also! The more of us sending her a note the better chanced we may have of seeing her again!
Thanks for the e-mail, I will send her a note also, I agree, we all should.
Kneesocks to me is exquisite, I have a few ;ics of her that are awesome, bikini, skirt, shorts,lingerie, takes your breath away. She deserves a fan site or a shrine so us who adore her and can see and thank her.
Maybe you could create a yahoo group for pix of Annette the super babe Kneesocks, and we could see some of your pix and add our own to it. I only have access to the pix on this page, no idea how to get or pix unless someone starts up a group page. Wish Annette would get the ball rolling she must have loads of sexy pix for us to enjoy.
I, for one, tried e-mailing kneesocks at the young_legs1@yahoo.com and younglegs1@yahoo.com last week and did not get a response. Has anyone else had any luck. Like to get her permission before starting up a fan site. I agree she totally deserves a fan site, you can tell from all the guys right here!!!!
I'm new to this site but will be going here every day now that I finally found some pics of kneesocks. Hope the rest of you can get a site going, I would be happy to contirbute the few older pics I have of her. Hope someone can get her valid e-mail so we can let her know how much she is missed.
I believe one of the emails I gave out is correct or was, unless she changed it. Was it delivered or returned? I know the husband goes ballistic when Annette chats or emails with anyone, and he might have put the kabash on any contacting kneesocks girl. But I know Annette does not mind attention, like all women. She is a kind a beautiful women inside and out, keep trying to get in touch with her. Hope we get a web page of her soon.
Thank you. My mail was not returned. But since I was one of her fans in the past the husband may have blocked it going through. I agree, she is a kind and lovely woman. If her husband goes ballistic, I hope he still treats her ok. She is truly a treasure as can be seen by all the men on this site now. I will keep trying. Thanks again for info on the husband.
Her husband goes ballistic??? When the Southern Charms site was up he was the photographer! He can't blame anyone but himself if guys adore her. He was also the webmaster for the site. Wonder what happened to have him go nuts?
I'm one who can attest to her husband going ballistic. I was a long time "pen pal" of kneesocks, we chatted about everything and in some cases she gave me good advice. I had the utmost respect for her and was a devoted fan. But then, out of the blue I got a note He is a very disturbed man.
I had the same problem. All of a sudden I got a note not to ever write to her again. I pleaded "why", then he just lambasted me to no end. All I want to do now is see pics of Kneesocks again. let's get the fan page rolling!!!
I had threatening phone calls from the husband too the were comical. He is one sick guy, who as you pointed out helped create the phenomenon kneesocks girl and than cannot deal with her popularity with men. He is insecure and probably has a miserable relationship with super babe Annette. She seemed lonely,and yet always friendly. She deserves a shrine that her admirers can join even if it costs, I would join if anyone knows how to create a webpage for her. Wish she would correspond with me, or anyone in the group. She has thousands of super sexy pix for all to enjoy, trust me. Keep trying to set up a site or contact her, it is worth it for all. I will not contact her because of her psycho jealous and insecure husband.
This is my first post here. I want to thank the guys who mentioned her husband. I had the same experience and he even threatened that he would turn me into internet authorities. It's unfortunant, her first husband shot her in the leg and went to prison for 5 years now she has to deal with this guy. She is so sweet, honest and down to earth while at the same time she can show her sexy and sensuous side that can really get to a guy. I fell in love with her just by looking at her pics and some e-mails which she never failed to return. Now I don't feel so guilty, thanks again guys and yes, if a site goes up I have many pics to contribute to a site, shine, or fan page for kneesocks!
ps both these e-mails worked for me when I was in contact with her but now when I send I never get anything back. They aren't rejected so I bet her husband has my e-mail blocked or is just ignoring them.
I think she is also on MyLife, but I am not a member.
She is on My Space too! Under Annette Wyatt. Be great if we could somehow create a webpage for her, but without her permission I guess its difficult. Hopefully she corresponds with someone here, under the radar of her paranoid husband Robin. Be so great to see some pix of her, well maybe we can get lucky and someone will get through to her. I will try tonight.
Thank you and Good LUCK!!!!! Please let us know if you are successful. There are so many of us here who would be grateful.
I sent Annette an email, and I know it was received. But I have heard nothing, which leads me to assume her sweet husband is blocking all messages or screening them himself. Who knows, maybe she will surprise me with a response and some pix. I used to love to chat with her on yahoo messenger, and she used to send me loads of hot pix of herself.
I hope everyone else keeps trying, who knows maybe someday Annette will read these notes between all of us realize she still has a huge fan base who think she is one hot babe and great gal.
I also sent an e-mail to Annette, to the two addresses that were supplied. Neither one was rejected but I have not heard back. I also used to chat with her on Yahoo and she used to send me her picture files, she has a ton of them and some are really hot. I just hope one of these days her "sweet" husband misses one of our e-mails and she gets back to one of us.
I have sent Annette three emails now, with no response. I was respectful, and just asked that she consider creating her own webpage for her followers. I wished her well and that she would be surprised how many admirers she actually has. I will let you know if she writes me back, as of this writing I have received not a word. Never give up~
I sent one also which I just referenced the great Southern Charms Web site she and her husband had and how much it is missed. I asked for permission to set up a fan site for them and would only use photo's approved by them. Unless some how the hubby has all our names blocked, one of us should get through and hope create a good impression as to our intent. Will keep all advised.
I think Annette was very good at sexy poses for the camera, and I am sure she misses her fans too. Hopefully someone can get through to her and bypass the husband. I have no doubt if it was up to Annette she would have a website up with loads of sexy pictures for all her adoring fans to enjoy. She knew she was good at it, and apparently her husband did too and could not cope with the attention she received. Someone is bound to get through to her eventually. I think this will happen in time.
I'm beginning to have my doubts. I'll wager that her hubby Robin has all of us on here blocked or just get's his jollies reading what we send to Annette. He's not just a nasty jealous man, he is evil, believe me. He sent me a not about a year ago that bordered on the insane. If we have any hope it's either to talk to Annette direct via phone of somehow get an e-mail address that hubby doesn't have, maybe My Life or Facebook.
Sorry guys, just feeling down since we all have seemed to fail so far.
Annette will never be forgotton as long as there is a group like this. I truly fell in love with her, she said I was the only man for her but from reading these posts she may have said that to a lot of us. Doesn't make any difference, she was and is so delightful, down to earth, sexy and sensuous. A woman like her deserves all our adoration and respect. I used to buy her outfits to pose in, helped her get her teeth fixed, helped her with house payments, helped her in her qust to become Catholic, and yes, had syber sex with her which was so real it was unreal!!!! Go for it guys, get her back posing or at least posting her old pics.
You had cyber sex with Annette, lucky guy, she didn't go that far with me!
I just joined My Space and Annette has about 10 nice photo's on there. There is one with her in a white dress in a doorway standing sideways, does she ever look good. I just wonder if she really knows how attractive a woman she is. There is also a pic I believe is her high school graduation photo, what a doll! She's under Annette Wyatt there. I have tried to get her as a friend but she has not been active there for some time.
Would it be possible to start a group page with pix of Annette without her consent? Sounds like we all adore her, and have pix to share.
Count me in if someone starts it up. I have quite a few pics to share. You are right, we all do adore her. We miss her so much it only makes sense.
Silver Streaks in her hair
A woman of sensuality and flair
With a captivating smile
We all stare for awhile
Images of her we so miss
It came with a twist
A jealous hubby took control
And it hurt down to our soul
Now we continue to try
From his grasp to pry
The woman of our dreams
Who makes all our eyes beam
Cool, should send this to her!
The hubby is more than jealous, he's seriously deranged. Like the others here, I can attest to that as a fact. Liked the prose, she should see it.
I tried to call her last night. She answered and sounded quite sad. I said who I was and then she just hung up. Sorry guys, I tried.
Probably best we just admit defeat and give up. She ain't interested for whatever reason.
Then the hubby wins. I know the feeling, I was thinking the same thing myself. Wonder how many of the rest here feel the same way. Somethings just not right, can't see Annette turning her back on us, she just isn't that type of lady. But if it's best for her sake, then I agree.
It was a noble cause, and I wish all the very best to Annette and her loyal admireres but the time has come to give up the cause. It was fun guys, wish you all the very best. Maybe one of you will get lucky with Annette, this guy is regretably hanging it up.
Hello Tyson.
I, for one, am not giving up the quest. It's very rare to find a woman so real and down to earth while at the same time having beauty and allure bar none. Annette is a complete gem and to just give up and toss her aside is out of the question. I will only give up if she peersonally comes back to me and says so. When we found her we found a treasure, we were all lucky and blessed. Forge on guys, don't give up yet.
I wonder if Annette ever reads these comments, if she did maybe she would start up a new webpage or at least correspond with someone.
Guys, has anyone forwarded this site to Annette? If not, I can.
I'm new here and can't believe the responses about Annette. It proves she is a very special woman. I also talked on line with her and she sent me some file photo's she made for Southern Charms. She is a totally captivating lady, cute, honest, down to earth and with unbelievable sexuality and the best legs I have ever seen. She captured my heart and soul easily. I felt so comfortable talking to her, writing her poems, etc. I knew she was married and did nothing to interfer with that, I actually got a few nice notes from her husband, Robin, saying I was a good friend to them. Then out of the blue I got a note never to write to her again, when I asked why Robin sent me a blistering note, sound like what others have described here. I tried to call her and just got a hang up. I feel for the woman because I do not think it was because of her. The guy went nuts! I still hold out hope of talking to her again some time. She is special, one of a kind.
If you think you can forward this site to Annette you should do it, it is our only hope for her to see how much she is adored and how much we miss her pictures. Maybe that will provoke her to bypass her sweet husband and put up a webpage of her own, or let someone else do it for her.
Any volunteers to send to Annette. I have two addresses but may be blocked by Robin.
good luck!!!
To Robin and Annette,
The photographic genius and artistry of Robin combined with the beauty and sensuality of Annette created the phenominal website, Kneesocks Girl. You can see from the notes on this site Kneesocks Girl Annette had an incredible loyal following of devoted fans who adored her. You both showed a lot of passion and creativity. We loyal fans beseach you, if you see fit, to start either a fan page or shrine so we can again wonder at your creativity. Wheter it be a free or for pay site, we are willing to join. We would be forever gratful to the both of you.
One of your past devoted fans.
Nice touch. I hope they read this.
Great note to Annette and her husband, did you forward it to their email address? Keep all her fans informed if you hear from either Annette or Robin. Be great if they consider a fan webpage for super babe Annette! I so miss her pictures and poses.
Yes, I tried to forward to them. But my e-mail might be blocked. If you andothers could also forward, it might help our cause. I agree, super babe Annette belongs back on the web where us meger men can worship and adore her again.
I emailed Annette and mentioned to her about this webpage with all these wonderful sexy pix of herself, and that she should read all the comments of her fans. I begged that she consider starting another Yahoo group with pix, or a webpage. No response yet, but I know it went through. Unless the husband intercepts the messages, which I am sure he is killing our attempts to communicate with super babe Annette. What a shame!
I will also forward this site to her and comment appropriately. We need to get super babe Annette back on the web one way or another. I for one have numerous picture files she sent to me that I would be willing to share if she said ok.
Keep at it guys! Three of us now and counting.
Make it four, I just wrote her also and sent a link to this page.
I adore this woman Annette, I have the pic above that Sybil calle the jungle outfit as my wallpaper on both my i phone and computer. I like what the one guys says, super babe Annette, she is really that!!!!
I've been watching this site grow for many weeks now without commenting. I was and still am a devoted fan of Annette (Maria Annette McKinney Wyatt) She is a delicious southern girl from Madisonville KY. Her husband had health problems and keeping the Southern Charms site running was getting to him so they shut it down. I don't know what happened between when they shut the site down and when in 2010 he went ballistic on all of us. After shutting down the site Maria Annette kept writing to me and I think others her also and sending us picture files. I have over 90 file she sent to me plus some candit shots she said she made just for me, but I always thought she made them for others also. She is a sweet woman who loves attention. If Rogin is giving her that now maybe they don't care oabut us, the former fan base, any more. But saying all that, I will also forward this site for her, so that makes at least fie of us to do so. I agree, Maria Annette is a true SUPER BABE, we need her back.
Annette aka: Kneesocks Girl had so many fans, and for a while many thought we were the primary source of her admiration. I sent her bikini after bikini that she posed in for me, pink, leopard print, gold, stars and stripes and even a Texas bikini. She was extremely sexy in all of them, we chatted on the phone, she taught me how to yahoo chat and she shared so many pictures. I got rid of them all after her husband went balistic on the phone with threats. It did not seem worth it, and I have not heard from Annette in over a year. Like all of you, I am a fan not a pervert nut trying to take her away from her husband. I would give anything to have my old collection of pictures of super babe Annette back. I so hope she reads these notes we all write, I know she has a heart as big as Texas. Maybe somehow she will let us create a webpage in her honor, or maybe she will open one up. If you read this Annette, you know who I am so please send some pix to me or let us start a fan page.
Is this Tyson?
I saw super babe annette in the stars and strips, leopard and texas bikini, I agree, she looked awesome in them. I think I still may have some of those pics. If there was a safe way to get them to you I would, you deserve them and the thanks from all of us who saw them.
This is not Tyson, but I would love to get those bikini pix again. Did you see the ones of Annette in a pink bikini and wrestling boots? WOW. Not sure how I can get access to your pix of Annette, but sure would love to have them again. The leopard print, and the Texas, and pink and there is a rebel flag bikini too, and a purple one, and even a gold bikini. All amazing, and I would give anything to have them again.
A pink bikini and wrestling boots, oh GOD, she must look awesome. She has such great legs to go with that body, I need to see that pic and I would be willing to share all of mine if we can find a way. Leaving an e-mail address here doesn't sound good. You know who would pic up on it and start another tirade!!
I'm not a kook or anything either, I just thought it was my lucky day when I first found super babe annette on Southern Chamrs and stayed with her until late 2010 when hubby pulled the plug.
I agree with you about the husband, it might not be worth all the hassle. But who knows maybe someday, somehow, somewhere we can be able to share pix or enjoy a new webpage all about Super Babe Annette. I guess we can only hang in there and wait to see if she ever reads this site and agrees to share some pix once again, but I doubt it.
I agree we should hang in there. It's rare you find a woman like super babe Annette who expresses such charm, beauty, sensuality, sexuality, openess, creativity, honesty, and affection. She truly deserves a site where all men anc admire, worship and adore her. I am not overstating it, she is all I said and so much more. Take it from a guy who had an ongoing on line relationship with her for over 8 years. I was even in the good respect of her husband, Robin, who wrote to me from time to time. But then, as you all know, it all imploded, I don't know what caused it, but it went postal on all of us at once it seems. I just hope and pray she is o.k. Has anyone tried to call her, heard her voice?
Mr. Robin Wyatt,
As you can easily see from this site, you and your delightful wife created a true phenomomen with Kneesocks Girl. None of us here had any intentions of interfering with your obviously secure relationship with Annette. Neither are we "kooks". We just found in Kneesocks Girl someone we could admire, and yes, adore. We can only plead with you to either start up a new website or allow us to do one in homage of Annette. She embodies all the beauty, sincerity, and wholesomeness which is woman. We thank you for your kind consideration.
Devoted fans of Kneesocks Girl Annette
Mr. Wyatt,
I second the above plea. I can't tell you how much I respected the site you and your lovely wife created. It truly was the best I had even seen and never looked for another after finding it. As a member of Kneesocks Girl on SC, I still have all the photo's you two created for that site. I treasure them as works of art, they are inspirational. Between your knack of photography and the exceptional beauty and grace of Annette, you two succeeded in creating a website that completely hyptnotized and charmed both men and women. It is a shame that your talents are no longer on display, a gift such as you and Annette had should be a treasure to all to behold. You are both creative geniuses.
Such good notes and no reply, what a shame. I'm with the guy here that hopes super babe annette is really o.k. There must be at least a dozen guys here who communicated with her, if anyone does hear back, please let the rest of us know, it would be appreciated.
Annette, if you are out there, please let us know you are ok, I for one is concerned. The way we were dumped, so abruptly and with no real reason outside of dishonest allegations by Robin. hurts us and I for one know you would never do that.
I found the pics in the rebel flag bikini, WOW, the bottom is really tiny, you did a good job in picking that one out for her. The only ones I could not find were the ones with the wrestling boots, she must have only sent you those, lucky guy!
Still hopeing some day she will come back to us.
I don't know how lucky I am, I don't those pink bikini wrestling boot pictures anymore, the only pix I have left of hot hot Annette is the one's posted on this webpage. Is there a way pictures of Super Babe Annette can me posted on this webpage with permission of the owner of the page? I doubt it. How I wish I had all my Annette pix back again. I have my doubts that we will ever again see Annette posting sexy pictures and poses. How lucky we were when she did post pix. I think if she ever really did read all these posts she would almost undoubtedly respond with some notes and pix. She is not seeing these posts I can assure you of that. Just have to keep on hoping she comes around or her husband lets her have a life again.
You make a good point, I wonder is there is a way to contact Sybil? This is a very old blog and I doubt if she ever reads it or she would have had a response, I am sure. I will try to see how to contact her, if others know how that would help also. I hate to see the site go down though, with all of us fans here. I'm sure Sybil could post pics since she already has, might be a way to send more to her to post here.
Let's give it a try. I also agree, if Super Babe Annette say all these notes, she would get back to us. She's being restrained or just plain isn't aware of this site.
Could a yahoo site be created in her honor anonymously, with pix of Annette added by anonymous donors? Seems like a possibility while we wait and wait for Annette to discover this webpage or Robin keeping her away from the computer. Seems sad that so many of wonderful pix of super babe Annette but are unable to post them anywhere. What I would give to have my old collection of Annette again.
There has to be a way to share pix without disclosing our identities to upset the husband. Yahoo group titled something other than Annette Wyatt would work if someone knew how to set it up and get others to donate pictures of super babe Annette. She certainly must not be aware of all the postings on this webpage, if she did I think she would have responded irregardless of her husbands jealous rage and insecurity. Be great to see some pix of hot Annette again.
I would join any group posting sexy pictures of super babe Annette. Be great to see it happen. Must be plenty of guys with pictures on their files of the incredible Kneesocks Girl posing. I miss those bikini pix for sure!
Hey all, I'm brand new here. I stumbled on this website searching for Kneesfcks Girl Annette. I read through all the cool notes here. Unlike most of you, I was never contacked by Annette's husband, the Southern Chamrs site just went down and I contacted them and they said they could not do anything about it, but were very nice. I was a paying member of the site but never wrote to her direct.
Since I was a paying member, I was entitled to all the files as she sent them out so I have a ton of them. If someone can get a yahoo site going, I could contribute. I don't know if the files she sent me were the property of Southern Chamrs or her, one thing I should find out. Are there any other members here who know?
Let's get something going!!!!
The files would not be southern charms property at all. In all actuality you purchased them and they are technically yours and can use them as you see fit. I don't have any pictures of her except from this webpage, and would love to have access to her collection of photos. I hope someone has the techno skills to start a yahoo site where we can all once again enjoy the sexy kneesocks girl aka: Annette whom we all adore!
Some of the pics say they belong exclusively to SC, but the pictures in the files don't have any disclaimer on them so I'm good there. I actually have over 90 picture files from over the years, over two thousand pics of super babe annette.
Let's get that site going, or yahoo group, whatever, I'm sure others have pics I don't have also. Yes, ADORE, good word for our feelings for Annette!!!
Was cruising through some of the files today and GOD, some of the pics, in the rebel flag bikini, short plaid, jean and red skirts, and a red mesh body suit that knocks your socks off, I just stare at those, incredbile lady.
Sounds like you have the collection we all dream of. Any chance you could start up a yahoo site in her honor, or a webpage like the one we are on? Obviously who ever did this webpage had no consequences to cope with legally. Guys would be joining up or viewing your site by the droves. Hope you are someone has some idea on how to create a webpage in her honor for all to enjoy soon.
I am new to this board or blog, discovered this site via researching kneesocks girl of southern charms fame. I used to be a member of her group on SC, but silly me I did not keep her photos on a file. I simply enjoyed looking at her sexy pictures for a few years of fun. I was so happy just to find this site with a few pictures of Annette. I never talked to her or communicated via email, but she must have been some special gal. Having read everyone's comments here she was enjoyed by many. Too bad there is no other site dedicated to her beauty and sexy poses. I hope someone does accomplish a webpage with photos of her so we can all bring back memories of the hottest gal on the SC. I for one would join up immediately. I don't believe there is anywhere else on the web with pictures of her available, trust me I have searched and searched with no luck. If someone does create a page please post the website so I can join too. Annette shall be back, I hope soon.
Somebody out there has to know or have a site they can list here so we can stat seeing pics of Annette again!I'm ready to post as soon as I see a site or even a one time e-mail address. we've got to get this thing going. One guy has over 2,000 pics of super babe annette, he is so lucky and willing to share. Someone please, get something going here.
were any of you guys ever told that when you e-mailed young_legs1@yahoo.com that you were not talking to super babe annette, but to a mentally challenged girl named Tammy that was using Annette's e-mail to talk to guys. Annette's husband, Robin, told me this. I would appreciate if any of you guys were told the same thing. The photo's were of annette, but sent out by a Tammy. I checked once way back on the address and it did come up as Tammy Mckinney. Robin said all of us guys were "duped" into thinking they were talking to Annette.
Wow, you are right I think, I just look up Tammy Mckinney and she is associated with Robin H and Maria A Wyatt in Madisonville, KY. Could it be true, looks like it. She's also listed with a young_legs1@yahoo e-mail, oh WOW.
I found both annette and tammy linked to the web address. I can't believe all our mails with annette with with Tammy instead but there were a few times it just didn't sound like annette when talking on line and she said to send her things only to Miss McKinney in Madisonville. do you think we were really all duped and Maria Annette and her husband Robin really had a loving relationship all along?
Doesn't mean we still shouldn't try to start up a photo sharing site, we maybe can't have her but we sure love looking at her images, right guys?
I was also told about Tammy by Robin, didn't have a clue to what he was talking about. Guess I know more now. Don't know what to think but still want to see more pics, especially from the guy with over two thousand!!!
It doesn't bother me that Super Babe Annette is a very Happily Married woman to a great guy who is just trying to protect her or whatever. I just view her as a Queen and I'm just one of her adoring subjects. There seems to be many more like me here. I just want her and her husband to know that I sincerely respect the beauty they created with the Kneesocks site on Southern Charms and respect their decision to either start another or just do nothing, it's their choice. There seems to be a lot of guys with old pics they are willing to share on line as a Tribute or Shine to Super Babe Annette. There must be one of us who can somehow start a site. I have several pics, not two thousdand, but many. One of them I believe could easily be on the cover of People Magazine as the Sexiest Woman Alive. It is a newer pic of Annette, down to about 130 lbs, and wearing the Dixie Flag Bikini, she also has shorter hair. My mouth dropped open when I first saw it, hope some others here saw it also. I definitely kept that one and would be will to share. Just tell me where to send it!!
It seems hard to believe that a Super Babe Annette webpage with archives of sexy pictures is ever going to happen. It has been nearly two months of us fans posting messages, begging and pleading for pictures of kneesocks girl but what have we to show for it other than posting after posting. I for one am giving up on the possibility of Annette ever putting pictures up on the web or anyone creating a webpage for her fans to enjoy. Frustrated? Certainly, hopeful? This ain't gonna happen gentlemen.
I have to agree with you but where there's a will, there is a way. I think it's amazing we all found this site. Goes to show how industrious and how adamant we are about seeing more new pics of Super Babe Annette. All her current siters show no activity, such as My Space (which has ten nice pics), Hi5, and flickr which has some nice pics also. Yeah frustrated, but again, there's a lot of guys here, someone will find a way, if not me.
On Flickr what do you put into the search to find pix of super babe Annette? Kneesocks Girl? Annette Wyatt? I tried both and came up with nothing.
Sorry, I meant Tumblr.
Nuts, I was hoping to see another picture of super babe Annette that is not from the same sites I have been looking at for the past year. Sure hope someone creates some webpage soon for the Princess of Hot, Super Babe Annette!
She also goes bye Maria Annette McKinney, her maiden name.
How does one find super babe annette on tumblr? what name do you use, which search, love to see some new pics that I may not have yet, thanks.
On Tumblr use kneesocks girl or it might have kneesocks_girl. One will get you to your dream girl.
I tried kneesocks girl and kneesock_girl on the post search and nothing came up! I just signed up for tumblr, and I searching in the wrong place.
Thanks again!!!!!!
Not sure what the problem is with Tumblr, cause when I put in Kneesocks Girl she comes up beautiful, and I do mean beautiful. Try Kneesocks Girl Southern Charms. Sorry you are having such a tough time getting our beauty queen to pop up for yourself. Who knows someday there might once again be a kneesocks girl webpage where we can all enjoy her beauty and sexy poses. Hang in there fellow fan of Annette.
Thanks again but still no luck, all I get is a "no posts" notice when I put in Kneesocks Girl. If I put in kneesocks I get another babe, not our idol Annette. This is weird. Yes, we have to hang in there someday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Annette,
As one of your most ardent fans may I ask that you come back to the bevy of fans on this site and just let us know how you are doing? Many of us knew and adored, yes we still adore, you for many years. Most of us here only had good intentions, to chat and see your lovely images. We in no way want to interfer with your relationship with your hubby. Please just let us know you are ok and doing well as we all hope and pray.
With sincere appreciation,
One of your fans whose life you changed to the better
Super Babe Annette not only made it a wonderful experience to go on to her site and see her pics she enhanced the lives of her fans in many other ways. She always answered e-mails, answered questtions posed by her fans, gave sage advice when asked, and just made her fans lives better overall. I know one of her fans who fell hard for her, Thomas Kent. She also seemed to like him as they go married on line on Virtual Vow one year and the next year they married again on Virtual Vow and he actually had his name legalled changed to her maiden name, McKinney. You can go to Virtual Vow and see. This must have been a low time in her life and marriage as she then dropped him and married her husband Robin Wyatt on Virtual Vow. Thomas had left his estranged wife for her and is still know to this day as Thomas McKinney. He was devastated when he got a note from Robin, like many of us did, and now he is living in near isolation, I think I am the only friend he has. His health has deterioated and his daughter cares for him a lot. She used to talk to Super Babe Annette also and they were close friends. She called Annette her mother and annette treated her like her daughter.
I don't know why I put this on her, but you can all check Virtual Vow to confirm what I am saying.
Annette was also shot in thh leg by her first husband, last name Jackson, and she still suffers from the wound, espejially when the weather turns cold. The wound is not visible on any of her fantastick pics.
So I tracked her name as follows:
Maria Annette McKinney
Maria Annette McKinney Jackson
Maria Annette McKinney Wyatt
Maria Annette Mckinney-Kent
Maria Annette McKinney
Maria Annette Wyatt
I still want her pics back, where is the guy with thousands, give us all a break and put some somewhere on line!!!!!!
I always knew Super Babe Annette was more than one man could handle! Let's stop the bleeding hearts and get her back on the web. I could care less how many husbands or lovers she has or had, we just need her fab images back to look at and enjoy!!!
Happy Holidays to all of Super Babe Annette's fans!!! And especially to Annette if she ever sees this post!!!
I hope she has a nice Christmas and 2013 also. I was just looking at some of the pics I have of her, she is astonishing in a bikini, body was made for them, and I have one of her lying in bed with a tiny blue satin bra and panties with mesh on top, she's looking right into the camera and her eyes are as captivating as her body, she is truly Super Babe Annette.
Happy Holidays to all.
My new years wish is to see these bikini pix somehow, somewhere, sometime on line. I remember Annette in a leopard print bikini that drove me wild, and her pink bikini with wrestling boots on that was so hot, or the gold bikini outside. I must have had a hundred pix of her in just bikini's. What I would give to see them again. Well, some of you out there have over 2,000 pix, others great bikini pix, someone eventually has to get this site started cause I don't think Annette has a clue about this website. Somebody do something soon.
I tried everyone of her links, Hi5, tumblr, mylife, etc. etc. and there has been no activity. It's like she's being locked up in a room with no phone or internet, so sad. Her ubby appears to be pure EVIL to keep her some her adoring fans. We should all make a new years resolution to somehow get in contact with her or find some way to post the pics we all have on a site, I agree, somebody do something soon, PLEASE!!!
My new years resolution is to find Super Babe Annette and either convince her to allow us to post pics in her tribute or start up a site herself for her adoring fans. It's plain to see how much we all miss her and each of us seems to have some pics. I know I have many, thought they were lost but were able to recover thm, not 2000 but enough to keep me going until we somehow get more posted. I know we are not KOOKS here, Annette made each one of us feel special and I hope we made her feel as special as she is, one of a kind, a charming, beautiful, kind presence with a heart of pure gold.
Unreal, I just read through all the posts here for the first time. Let me understand, a husband, Robin Wyatt, put his wife, Annette, on a porn site (SC), where anyone can view and write to her, and had a pay situation for the real naughty pics, then he lashed out at all the guys who wrote to her and adored her. This is unreal, the guy is a total nut case. I just vied this lady's pics and she sure does know how to fill out a bikini and those short dresses, wow, what a set of legs. I would love to see more of her also so wish all of you luck in getting something started, I will do my best also but new to this "super babe annette" thing but a new fan for sure.
Let's do it guys!!!
Anyone remember Annette Wyatt aka: Kneesocks Girl of Southern Charms fame in a cheerleaders outfit? That was one sexy cheerleader! Best yet, was her posing as a womens wrestler in a pink bikini with pink wrestling boots. Anyone ever see that collection of pix? Well maybe someday we will see another website to pay homage to the wonder babe if she ever sets up another site, or if one of us as the aptitude and courage.
I thought I had all her pics, but don't seem to hve the pink bikini with wrestling books. Have the cheerleader outfit, she looks delicious!! I'm going to check my archive for those!!!!
Coming down to who has the courage. I was one who got lamblasted by hubby even though I was innocent, just an admirer.
But I do hae over 2000 pics if someone comes up with a secure and safe website to contribute.
Super Babe Maria Annette mckinney jackson wyatt mckinney-kent mckinney wyatt we miss you so much, please come back to us if only to say hello and that are O.K.
Found Super Babe Annette set in the bright pink bikini and white/pink wrestling boots! I know one of you out there mentioned it, would love to send to you if we can find a way. Let me know.
Would love to have the pix of the pink bikini and boots, but to post my email here undoubtedly would open up the dear husband of Annette to have another tantrum on my phone or email. He is one sick guy who created all this attention for his sweet wife. But I don't want to deal with his crazy behavior and posting sick comments about me on the web. I really appreciate your offer, but I don't know how to communicate with any of these very good intentioned fans of Annette without getting back to square one with one insecure and whacky old man. Thanks again for offering, if someone comes up with a way to post all these super hot pix of Annette I would join in a flash.
I wonder how many of us he went ballistic on, unreal, we all have the same story. It seems like he's keeping super babe annette under lock and key. Poor lady, she loved to chat on line, get compliments, talk on the phone, I'm sure she is quite miserable right now. You're right, hubby is a wacky old man, in late 50's now and not very healthy, diabetis, heart problems, obese, you hame it and he's not letting his healthy, beautiful, homw spun wife talk to anybody, what a crying shame. Somebody please help us here and get a site going. PLEASE!!
You can contact Annette on Mylife and see some pix of her there. I just discovered that site, and sent her a message pleading for a new webpage with pix, or a yahoo group we could all join. Maybe we will get lucky and Annette will post again!
Good for you!!! I hope she responds. What name does she use on MyLife? I will also give it a shot, we need her back.
I was just reviewing some of the many pics I have of her and some are so special, she is really an exquisite lady, some pics are so sweet and lovely, others so sensual, and the sexy poses, my God, what a woman. Sorry husband, but I think I am in love with her!!!!
On Mylife just use Annette Wyatt. Some nice pictures of super babe Annette the Kentucky Wildcat! Someday she will be back on the internet and posing wonderful pictures again, I am sure. I have not heard from her, but I am sending off another email to her tonight pleading for pictures of the #1 internet sensation we all miss so much.
You are a good man!!! Hope yoiu hear back from her. I went to MyLife and joined but said I had to pay to see super babe annette's pics.Are there free ones there?
I would get down on my hands and knees to beg her to post more pics or let us start a site. I just went over some of the pics I have of her and she can protray anything. A sweet lady, a dexy lady, a stern lady, a beautifu woman, she's everything other women only dream of being. How can us guys not help adoring her.
It would be nice just to get a reply from her that she is well and happy or something. Maybe the guy who talks to her on MyLife could ask that, o.k.?
Thanks from all super babe annette's fans!!!
I agree, I've known her since around 2006 and then the nasty gram in 2010. She was a really good friend and we chatted on line, on the phone, and exchanged e-mails and she was always so sweet, she's as good as she looks. I really think the term, Super Babe Annette fits her to a Tee! She's a treasure and would really like to know how she is doing. She is also on Hi5 with a few nice pics. I tried to contact her from there but there has been no activity on her site there. I keep trying.
Looks like nobody has had any luck contacting Annette. Has anyone tried Facebook?
I have tried Hi5, her two yahoo addresses, and MySpace to no avail. I just know she is not the one blocking us out.
Super Babe Annette forever!!!
She is on facebook, question is will she accept your friendship connection on FB. I think it is over contacting Miss Wyatt. Try if you like, I don't think she will confirm anyone as a friend. I hope I am wrong.
Can't hurt for trying, I will do so and let you guys know.
For her, it's worth the effort.
Have you heard from Super Babe Annette on Facebook? I agree it is worth the effort, just have my doubts anyone is going to connect with her. But I hope you are the lucky one.
No luck yet. I think one of us has to try to contact her using a new e-mail address that isn't blocked by the hubby and not even mention her previous SC website. Use some other reason to be friends with her, like live in KY, looking for friends there, etc.
What do you guys think?
I'm new here. I thought I was the only one infatuated with super babe annette, nice to see so many others here!!!! Doesn't look like anyone has had any luck contacting here. A few years back I used to talk to her on the phone, has anyone here tried to call her. She had her own cell that I could call after 9 in the evening. I'm going to look up the number, think I still have it, changed phones so many times I'm not sure. But wanted to check to see if anyone else here tried to call her.
You guys think you have it tough, I left my wife, because annette was upset we were only seperated and not divorced so I got the divorce)then legally changed my last name to her's when annette and I married for the second time on line, then I got dumped by her and hubby. Now I'm stuck with her last name and still pine for her. Something really stange happened here, if any of you have a sadder story I'm be glad to know, am I the only one????
Feel bad for you guy, but this guy still wants more pics, old or new. of Super Babe Annette. She's every guys dream and I, for one, and not giving up on trying to get her back on the web.
As for me, I am grateful for the time Annette dedicated to her site and all the nice e-mail exchanges we had. We should all feel lucky for the images we saw and the notes she sent to us. If she doesn't come back, the memories will never fade away. Three Cheers for Super Babe Annette, the best lady ever to grace my screen and the net.
I agree with you. I bet the other guys here feel the same. What a crying shame hubby, or whomever, pulled the plug on Super Babe Annette. I know some other here, me included, have tried to reach her on the other sites she's on, MySpace, Hi5, Facebook, etc. Maybe one of one has had luck and is keeping her to himself!!!! Hope not.
Alright guys, no new posts. I'm going to try facebook. Sitting her lookin at super babe annette lying sideays on the bed in a yellow top that goes just below her panties and shows the garter straps holding up her sheer wite stockings on those utterly fabulous legs, my GOD the woman is gorgeous and perfect, never seen a body like hers and that cute face, please, like me, someone else keep trying.
I just tried to friend her on Hi5, only a couple pics there but nice legs and smile.
Will keep all up to date. She did have action there a few months agao. Wish me luck!
I'm with you and good luck. If there evfer was a woman who had charm, incredible appeal, both sexual and personal, it is super babe annette. No woman can compare. It's a crying shame none of us have had any luck, unless, like the one guy said, he got through and is keeping it to himself, that would be a shame also. Annette or Robin, if you are out there, please just give us the satisfaction of knowing you are both doing well and happy. It would mean a lot to us. I never got a note from you, Annette just went away. Please give us a break. Thank you.
maria wyatt ky_tornadogirl@yahoo.com
Maria Annette Wyatt
Robin Wyatt
Almost 8 years with super babe annette was pure heaven, hubby can never take that away.
I agree, we all still have our memories and one guy has over 2,000pics,lucky man. I hope this site doesn't go away, keep trying my friends and friends of super babe annette, she's worth it.
Anybody have any new addresses for super babe annette? Would appreciate seeing them inhope of reconnecting with her.
Thanks for all!!!
You can find her on Hi5. Good Luck.
thanks, I signed onto Hi5, found her, two nice pics, and I sent her a message, will let you know if she replies.
Thanks again!!
Maria Annette Wyatt is a true ANGEL. She had a rough first marriage but found her soul mate in Robin the second time around. Even when with her one true love, Robin, she took the time to chat and talk to many of us who were her fans. she always had sage advise, was thoughtful and understanding, but never to the point of losing track of her husband and marriage. We were the lucky ones to have known this beautiful, sensuous and oh so wise woman. I wish her and Robin all the very best. I think they both know if they ever need anything, they can come to me. She made my life a much more beautiful thing and I am forever gratuful to her and Robin. They are truly America's couple.
Nice note. must have been from the guy who came up with "Super Babe Annette" I would bet.
One of us is talking to her, I am sure. No need to identify yourself, just let us know she is o.k.. We would really appreciate it.
Sincere thank you from all Annette's fans.
If one of us is talking to her, we wouldn't need this site anymore, would we.
Nice try.
you guys, worshipping an abese, ugly, toothless woman. She may be a gread lady, but guys, open your eyes. I'm like one of the first comments here, the kitty litter smells better!!!
She may be obese, ugly, toothless and backward, but did you notice those legs, gulp, incredible, simply incredible, geese, she could easily be a leg model, what more can a guy say, WOW!
I hope the guy who sent her the Dixie bikini (red/ble/white stars) got the shot she did in it. One pic is particular, wow, I believe she is the sexiest woman on earth in it. I just went throught the set, and just have to say thanks again to the dude who sent it to her, great job!!!!!!
Used to be a member of Kneesocks on SC years ago, always wondered why she left southern charms. Are there any other sites with pictures of Annette? I always viewed her as the cute 'girl next door' type of gal, nothing fake or plastic just a down to earth cutie. Be great to see more pictures of her again. Is she on facebook?
She has a few pics on Hi5 and also MyLife. I think she is also on FAcebook. I have tried messaging her on Hi5 but no luck so far. I'm going to keep trying because like you I was a fan of this down to earth lady also. Let me know if you have any luck.
Best of luck
She is on Facebook, Maria McKinney Wyatt. If you go there and click on her friends you will find RoBin Wyatt, her husband. Click on him and there is a dazzling array of their wedding photo's. There's one of her in her wedding dress that beats anything on this site, WOW, she was a beautiful bride!!! Take your breath away. Her husband has a lot of nice pics on there, when they joined the church, etc. They seem like a happy couple, not what some guys here seem to think.
Thank you, I agree, she is a lovely bride, and those legs showing with that dress, just awesome. This is one very sweet and lovely lady. I agree, they look like a very loving couple.
Having seen the wedding pix on facebook I agree with previous threads, perfect couple and seem so happy. But I do miss those sexy pix of Miss Wyatt in bikini's or even less. She would look hot in a potato sack, a natural model for men to dream about. But that is all we can do for now, is dream about past pix of sexy babe Annette unless a miracle happens and she responds to some of us or posts some pix somewhere, somehow, sometime.
Have you tried to friend her on facebook? I'm afraid her hubby may see my name and get upset. He got mad at me a while back, I honestly thought they were living seperate lives, guess I was dupped. I agree, they look happy and I would do most anything to see more pics of her. Like to be friends with both of them which I was at one time.
"A model for men to dream about", that sums it up so well, excellent description of Miss Wyatt.
There is just something about the woman, her appeal, even if wearing a sock, is unreal. I, for one, haven't experience such appeal to a woman in my life, it can't really be put into words, except "A model for men to dream about" as this thread says.
I feel literally head over heels from first sight of her on Southern Charms, immediately starting sending her things to pose in, and she and hubby were both nice to me. Then nothing. Wasn't until I found this site that I learned about Hubbies tiraids. Well, maybe they were understandable, who wouldn't want to keep this dream to himself if he saw a threat???? Love live Miss Wyatt and I hope she does come back to all of us some day.
Thanks for pointing me to facebook, I love the pics her husband posted. The one pic of her standing alone in her wedding dress holding her flowers, I just frooze looking at that one, she is stunning. "I am not worthy" came to my mind. To think this dream e-mailed and talkd to me on the phone, I sure miss that. She was always so down to earth, she could be a friend, confidant, heartfelt and also be so sensual and sexy in those outfits, bikini to big old dress, she looked lovely in all of them and out of them!!! Where's the guy with the 2,000 pics, I would pay to see them!!!
Anyone have a guess at what year those wedding photos are of Annette and Robin? I would guess they were ten years ago, based on pix I have of Annette from a couple of years ago. Still she is a knockout beauty.
I think they are from 1993, so 20 years old now. But I agree, she's still a knockout, at least up to 3 years ago when Hubby Stopped all COMMUNICATIONS with her!
Has anyone here had any type of communications with Super Babe Annette, or Miss Wyatt, since 2009 -2010? I think early 2010 is the last time she contacted me. Just curious, hope she is well.
Thanks All
I too have not had any type of contact either phone, email or Yahoo Chat since around 2010. Either she has gone through a total attitude change towards posing for pix, or the husband has put her on zero tolerance for posing or communication. Either way it seems unlikely if not delusional to believe at this point that she will ever post pix or communicate with anyone linked to her past. So be it. I do not believe she has a clue about this webpage or she might be tempted to come out and chat. I also would not be surprised if her husband posts on this board to bait admirers into leaving their email so he can post threats and ridiculous internet posting about the viewer. How do I know that? Take a guess. My instincts say Annette misses posting pix and chatting with her fans, but the husband who was a failure SC himself is focusing on his marriage, maybe that is good. Again, so be it.
I don't think we can put all the blame on hubby Robin. Look at his facebook page and see the pics from when they joined the church. He looks really aged, but, Miss Wyatt said she joined this church because it was the same religon as mine, she even sent me some the the baptism pics sans Robin of course. She was really living a dual life on line and in real life and may have been delusional. Seems she has so many guys that she said she would be with "for every and every" (her spelling).
She told me she loved me so much, we were soul mates, how many others here heard the same thing from her. She even married me on line, in Virtual Vow!!! See for yourslef. She is lovely, perfect legs and other assets, can get under your skin and make you pine for her, I know for a fact and I'm sure others here know the same. Were we duped? Did she really always love Robin but just lead us on for kicks, who knows, I wish I did along with many others here. I still pine for her, can't get her out of my head and yes, heart. She'll be a part of me forever.
I hear both of you above. She told me she and Rogin were living in the same house but living seperate lives and that I was not interferring with their marriage. I even sent her money for house rent when she said she was responsible for it but didn't have the money and would be out on the street in the winter! I even helped her buy her new teeth, the ones you see in some of the last pics of her. She said it was her Dad and me that made it able for her to get them. How many of you guys did the same? This site is interesting, at least makes me feel not alone in my admiration for the woman even through all the bull she may have been feeding all of us.
The woman is amazing, she won so many hearts by just being a seemingly nice person, I hope that's what she was anyway. I LOVE YOU ANNETTE, TAKE THAT ROBIN, AND SHE LOVED ME!
I agree with the post that Robin looked aged. He does not look well at all, the diabetes and heart problems seem to have caught up with him. However, he sure seems to have power over Annette and I'm sure he's keeping her from writing to anyone, it's like she's under house arrest!
Has anyone tried to friend Annette on facebook? Seems like we are all in the same boat in regards to no communication with her, and fear of reprisal from her neurotic insecure husband. I know I won't attempt contacting her on facebook for those reasons, he would go nuts on my FB page. I have no doubt he also monitors her face book page contacts and what she writes. Anyone noticed that she lately has posted a few new pix of herself on the cover of her FB page, brings back good memories of her posing.
thanks for the info. Went onto her page and saw the new postings. There are two pics with hubby which are old, later she had all her teeth pulled and got new ones which I helped her pay for along with her Dad. I think the pic with the older guy in grey shirt and hat is her Dad and may be a newer pic. I'm like you, afraid to friend her and have hubby find out. I'll try to think of a way to do it though, sure would be nice just to post comments on her site without being noticed by hubby.
Hey, Thanks again!
Wow, did anyone else here help her pay for her teeth, house payments, etc.? I don't regret it, just being tossed aside after all the hlep is a bummer.
I just bought her oufits which she posed in and sent me the set of pics. She was always so sweet on line also, a wonderful woman. I never got any notes from Hubby, just communications stopped one day with no answer to my e-mails. Really miss her for what she was and is, a cute, honest, friend who I miss dearly.
Our days were filled with bliss
Whenever we saw images of this sweet miss
But then a ugly hairy ogre
Closed the door on us to her
Now we sit and hope and wait
Hoping it's still not too late
For her to come back to our screens
And let us resume our dreams
Maria Annette you are missed by all
Who used to chat and sometimes call
Just to see or hear your angelic words
Before the ogre became so absurb
Hey, that's really cool! And oh so true. Sitting here looking at some of her poses in the DIXIE flag bikkini, whoever gave her that one did a great job, she looks totally fantastic, one pic I call "sexiest woman alive!".
I have those pix of red hot Annette in the Dixie Flag bikini too, they are amazing and should have been put up on southern charms when she was posing for them. Whoever set her up with that bikini for a gift knew what he was doing, she looks great in all bikini pix but that one is special!!!!
I have that set also! Know what you mean. The one pic of her standing and looking directly into the camer with the "I know how hot I look" expression on her face, I agree with the guy above, sexiest woman alive!!! I also thank the guy who sent that Bikini to her, he did make one very wise choice. I bet when he saw the bikini he said, I just know how great Annette would look in this and bought it on the spot, I knowI would have!
The woman is precious. She makes any outfit look good. Just something about her, real lady, down to earth good looks, legs that are amazing, eyes that mezmerize, she deserves so much out of life. I hope she is getting it with her husband and Facebook Page with her neat knitting or whatever it is. But I agree with the above, the Dixie outfit takes the cake and my breath away!
One would think some of us guys here don't have a life! Just goes to show how strong an attraction Sup[er Babe Annette can generate and keep going for years! She is one very cool woman who should have an opportunity to live her life as she pleases.
We have lives, but a big chunk was taken away when hubby took super babea annette from us. After e-mailing, chatting on line and on her cell phone, I can't believe it was her conscious decision to dump all of us. I'm sure if she had her way, she would come back to us, must be way more to this story than we here know.
To put it simple, what annette did to all of us was evil. She lead us on making us believe she had feelings for us, and she had many, many, guys hanging at once. That makes her eveil to the core, playing with men's feelings then dumping them when she decides hubby isn't so bad after all. Pure, unadulterated evil.
Can't disagree with you but she is still so HOT!!!!!!! I'd kneel at her evil feet anyday!!
Has anyone connected with Super Babe Annette on Facebook? She has posted quite a few pictures on her FB page according to her pictures account. Wonder if she will respond to any of us after all this time, and with her husband overseeing her every move on the internet and cell phone. I used to enjoy chatting with her on Yahoo Chat, but that is history now. Hope someone connects with Annette Mckinney Wyatt.
I went on her FB page and looked at the pics. A couple of her with demon husband and one with what I think is her father. The others are her great craft work, she does really quilting or whatever it is called. I am reluctant to try to friend her since her hubby might get on my FB page and write evil things about me that all my other friends can see. Wish I could go on "incognito".
ps: on FaceBook it's: Maria McKinney Wyatt.
If you want to see some beautiful pics of super babe annette, go to her husband's face book page, Rogin Wyatt, he posted all their wedding pics and there are some of her there that are unreal, she has the most beautiful legs I have ever seen in her wedding dress, she is a true dream. Evil hubby is so lucky.
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